MEYTEC GmbH Informationssysteme, the University of Potsdam and the IHP GmbH Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics / Leibnitz- Institute for innovative Microelectronic from Frankfurt (Oder) agreed a long-term collaboration in F&E. MEYTEC company supports an important part of the new…
Issue 2014-02
As a part of the national competition procedures, provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) the research consortium from Berlin and Brandenburg received an award for the project named BeMobil. In the field ‘man-machine interaction’ there should…
Norwegian Air Ambulance deployed the first „Stroke Ambulance“ equipped with the MEYTEC technologies in Fredrikstad, Norway in October 2014. On board of the emergency vehicle are a CT-scanner as well as laboratory equipment. The ambulance and hospitals in Friedrikstad are…
In the recent months MEYTEC received new orders for conception, realization and extension of the established telemedicine networks. The new telemedicine stroke network from the region Bavaria was equipped with MEYTEC technologies is “Neurovaskuläres Versorgungsnetzwerk Südwestbayern (NEVAS)”. In the peripheral…
A new stationary telemedicine system VIMED® DOC 3 will be available at the beginning of 2015. The important part is the newly created PC-System VIMED® MPC, which is designed for continuous operation, demonstrating a high level of stability and reliability. A special…
The telemedicine stroke-network “Schlaganfall-Ostsachsen-Netzwerk (SOS-NET)” connects the “Dresdner Universitäts-Schlaganfall-Centrum (DUSC)“ with 18 regional partner-hospitals in Saxony to secure a complete and high-quality care of stroke patients in the region East-Saxony. All hospitals participating in the telemedicine network SOS-NET can fall…
The second edition of the telemedicine congress in October 2014 in Bad Kissingen was a success. About 150 participants from the whole German speaking area came to Bad Kissingen to experience a substantial, interesting and high quality conference. The organizers;…
MEYTEC presented, along with the medical director and the head of physicians in the hospital for neurology in the hospital Nordwest in Frankfurt am Main, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Meyding-Lamadé the telemedicine bridge KHNW – Brunei an the 1st eHealth congress…
MEYTEC participated in the 5th National Congress for Telemedicine (06th -07th November 2014) in Berlin as both a premium sponsor and exhibitor. MEYTEC welcomed significant interest from new and existing customers in their telemedicine systems and solutions. MEYTEC CEO, Gerhard…