The 4th National Telemedicine Congress – at the same time the 8th Congress of the German Society for Telemedicine (dt. DGTelemed e. V.) – took place on 07th and 08th November 2013 in Berlin. The national and international interest in this conference increases from year to year. It should be noted, this is the most important congress in Germany, for the application of telemedicine solutions and services. In addition to the technical and substantive issues, the funding issues of telemedicine are high on the agenda, not least, because they are essential for the sustainability of telemedicine projects. The DGTelemed e. V. provides on the one hand the inclusion of medical societies and on the other hand policy actors and representatives of the health insurances. It is still a some way off the implementation of telemedicine in practice, but there is positive trend already visible.
The managing director of MEYTEC, Gerhard W. Meyer is one of the founding members of this society. The founder members of the DGTelemed once again voted him back onto the board.